Friday, April 6, 2007


Hi there,

Well about time eh! 5 months into my expedition and it's probably about time that I started sharing a few pictures of what's been happening in sunny Melbourne.

This little site is purely to keep you all informed (by way of pictures) of what I've been up to and where I've been. You'll see that there are two types of pictures... 'Standard Sets' which are just for those random pictures, and 'Events' for those... well special events.

With any luck this site will also educate the Sydney-siders amongst us and hopefully create a little more harmony between the two states. Yes I know... before leaving Sydney I thought our Southern Neighbours were a little different as well - a little too keen on the colour black, a little too keen on a religion called AFL, and most concerning of all - they are substantially closer to those pesky Tasmanians than we are...

My research into these Southerners will continue over the next 19months, and during this time I'll continue to keep you informed as to the results of my extensive scientific testing...

Please feel free to drop by when you like and flick through the attached albums. Apart from that, this will probably be my first and last 'blog comment', as it's not my thing and I really just needed somewhere to host these albums! So if you do want to know what's going on inside my head and what my thoughts are... well you're just going to have to call me.


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Photo Albums - Standard Sets